Our services include:
1. [GENERAL.EHS] EHS Management system consult
Comprehensive customer support service package in the fields of environment, water resources, chemicals, energy, occupational safety and health, FP, etc.
Provide support for enterprises to comply with the law, regulations, and policies, improve management ability, and improve environmental awareness.
Service details:
- Provide a basic checklist
- Audit factory
- Analysis report
- Auditing compliance review
- Consulting – Solutions
- Monthly Summary
- Assistance & support
2. [FP.EHS] Consulting – design and construction of FP system
1. Design – Appraisal – Construction – Acceptance and completion of construction & Maintaining the FP system.
2. Consulting, maintaining and repair of FP system
- Electricity sector
- Business sector
3. [03.WWT.EHS] Wastewater treatment system
1.Consultation – design – construction – installation – operation of the WWT system
2. Consulting, maintenance and repair of WWT system
4. [04.ENV.EHS] EIA and Environmental Monitoring
1.Consulting on setting up environmental procedures, and environmental permits
2. Monitoring and making the periodical environmental monitoring reports
3. Consulting to build an analytical process suitable for each business
4. Formulate measures to prevent and respond to chemical incidents, petroleum incidents
5. Laboratory.
5. [05.RBA.EHS] Comply with the RBA management system and Global standards
Consulting on completing documents, processes and field control according to RBA standards and Global standards.
6. [06.HW.EHS] Comply with hazardous waste management standards
1.Collection and transportation of solid waste and hazardous waste
2.Solid waste and HW treatment
3.Recycling waste & scrap
4.Environmental consulting
7. [07.HIRA.EHS] Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
Identify hazards and assess risks according to the ISO 45001 standards and recommend preventive and remedial measures.
1.Physical hazards: Noise, radiation, heat, electricity, etc.
2.Chemical hazards: Explosives, flammable liquids, corrosives, poisons, toxic, gases, etc.
3. Physical hazards: PPE, the lack of light, lack of control over temperature, humidity, the heaviness of the job, etc.
8. [08.EDU.EHS] EHS Training – Education
1. Management system in accordance with international standards
-Environmental management system – ISO 14001
-Occupational health and safety management system – ISO 45001
-Energy management system – ISO 50001
2: Training
-Chemical safety training
-Electrical safety training
-Occupational safety training
9. [09.RES.EHS] Responding to inspection from State Agencies, Customer
1. Solving business problems
2. Guide enterprises to prepare a variety of materials and documents so as to respond to inspection teams from the State agency and customers.